Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dean's webelos project

Hey I'm in webelos now . I'm working on my showman badge for this play . In webelos we did a play called mutant puppies. In mutant puppies I was a mutant puppy. While Larry was trying to steal cookies we ran away from him so he wouldn't steal the cookies. Then Norman helps Larry heal the mutant puppies. Norman teaches Larry to get on a diet of high fiber. My favorite part of the mutant puppies was preparing for the props because it was fun deciding who will be who. Please click on the link below to see it.
Sincerely Dean Powell



Janet said...

SOO funny!

Anonymous said...

Dean, That was amazing. Great job!
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Ryan, Beth, Jeff, Alyssa, and Jake

Jennifer said...

I love the high fiber diet! heehee. =) What a great post!!

MOM said...

A perfect Webelos play--Bring on Mutant Puppies II!! Dean was a very convincing cookie- eating puppy!

John Hilton III said...

Great job Dean!!