Thursday, May 6, 2010

Questionable stuff

I am/was trying to stay on top of the clutter in our wonderful home (a losing battle) and had to wonder why we (me) hold on to stuff... WHY?

Adam's management books. This is quite the investment! Fact: we now have so many that Adam grabbed the wrong one during his mid-term -he still got a 92%! Do we sell them for pennies on the dollar? After he graduates do we light a bonfire and dance around it?

Yes, this is a couch tipped on its side in the middle of the hallway. It doesn't really go anywhere. I took it out of Reed's bedroom because it seemed to add to the clutter of that room. And now it is a hallway decoration (no room there either). Its one of the first pieces of furniture we bought... after we moved into our first house - we needed couches for the living room and the family room. Exciting. Its Ikea though and its not really safe to seat upon anymore. But how do you chop a memory like that into firewood?

This is Justin. He is a R.O.U.S (Princess Bride). I like to think of him simply as a rat. He was made for a Halloween party 3 years ago. His tail has fallen off and his legs are very loose but he is a work of art. I worry if I stuff him back into the attic that he will completely fall apart. But how long can Dean have a giant rat in his room? Mom- would you like him?
Theres more - lots more. But perhaps, now that I have posted these pictures I can get up enough courage to say good-bye.


MOM said...

Lovely as the "rat" is, I will respectfully decline your offer! It's hard to say good-bye to stuff that has been loved but is no longer needed--good luck with that!

Jennifer said...

You and Evan could be soul mates on this topic. He too truely has a NEED to hold onto memories...HUGE ones, like the HUGE dog he won at the fair, the one that seems to take up half the 2nd bedroom in our house! Maybe the dog and the ROUS can be friends in the junk yard?!!!

Ms. Kneisly said...

I was particularly amused by the couch.
How unique.
Quite the conversation peice eh?