Saturday, April 18, 2009

How Heavy is it?

Today we spent a good part of Lise's birthday outside working in the yard. Last year I cut a large maple tree on our side yard down. The tree was getting too big for being next to the house and I am not a fan of large bushes or trees next to the house (I think it promotes bugs and trees are not good for the roof).
Anyway...the base of this tree has been ignored for nearly a year. Today it was noticed that the tree was trying to make a comeback. Not wanting to ignore what needed to come to pass; the shovels, pick, gloves and so forth were gathered to remove this beast. I also have past experience removing a few of these trees from our Woodinville home. I removed them for the same reason stated above - it also allowed us to install a newly remodel deck. With the Woodinville trees it was "easier" as my Grandfather was helping and he had a come-along that we attached to the basketball hoop and pulled those baby's out.
Back to Redmond...while the boys were being as helpful as they could and trying to prevent them from using the axe on the others fingers, I wrestled with this root ball. I do remember telling Lise to give me thirty minutes and I'd have it out. Without telling you the entire story, thirty minutes passed by quickly and I was not even close.
Eventually I needed the chain saw - you see I discovered that some bright past owner had planted this tree right (I mean exactly) on top of a drainage pipe. Tree roots love water and this tree root had literally wrapped itself around the pipe and was in the process of crushing it. So I couldn't simply rock the tree back and forth work it out as this would rock the pipe to only crack it.
I felt like a surgeon, though I am no surgeon, in gathering more tools and laying them out. Some of the tools I don't even know what to call them. Finally I was vindicated by removing the tree stump. After removing the stump it was then the delicate process of unwrapping/cutting the roots from the pipe. I did make one puncture to the pipe, but nothing that a carefully placed rock can not fix as I placed dirt back in the hole.
To tie this story into the title of the blog - Reed saw me struggling to remove the stump and asked,

"Dad, how heavy is the tree stump?"

Before I could answer he said,

"I bet Jesus knows since he created it."

I don't think I said anything as I thought about the truth of it all.

Happy Birthday Honey!


MOM said...

What a man you are Adam! And what a cute Reed comment.

Ms. Kneisly said...

Wise little boy.

Jennifer said...

What a sweet comment from Reed, you raise some pretty smart boys!
Congrats on the stump removal. Happy B-day Lise!!

Janet said...

time to blog and no time to call a loving sister back? just kidding...i know its adam blogging, and lise not calling. haha